Written by meadecounty. Posted in Community, Special Events, Updates

Remembering the Legacy: Brandenburg, KY Commemorates 50th Anniversary of Devastating Tornado
Brandenburg, KY – March 31, 2024 – On April 3, 1974, a catastrophic tornado tore through Brandenburg, Kentucky, leaving behind a trail of devastation that forever changed the landscape of our community. As we approach the solemn anniversary of this tragic event, the residents of Brandenburg and Meade County gather to honor the memories of those who lost their lives, and to reflect on the resilience and strength of our community over the past fifty years.
The Brandenburg community will come together on April 3, 2024, at First Baptist Church in Brandenburg, KY, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the tornado that struck our town. This memorial ceremony will serve as a time of reflection, remembrance, and unity as we honor the lives lost, the heroes who emerged in the face of adversity, and the spirit of resilience that has defined our community in the years since.
The ceremony will feature remarks from local officials, community leaders, and survivors, who will share their reflections on the impact of the tornado and the journey of recovery and rebuilding that followed. There will also be a moment of silence at approximately 4:08PM EDT, the time the tornado entered Brandenburg that fateful day, to honor the memory of those who perished and to pay tribute to the strength and solidarity of the Brandenburg community.
In addition to the memorial ceremony, there will be a reception offering light refreshments and memorabilia connected to the events of that day and the days that followed.
All members of the community, as well as friends and supporters from across the region, are invited to join us as we come together to remember, reflect, and renew our commitment to building a stronger, more resilient future for Brandenburg, KY.
Event Details:
Date: April 3, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM EDT
Location: First Baptist Church, 149 Lawrence St., Brandenburg, KY
For more information, please contact:
Jessica McKinney
Administrative Assistant, Meade County Judge Executive’s Office
(270) 422-3967

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