
Jeremy Miller, Director/TAC
516 Hillcrest Drive Suite #8
Brandenburg, KY 40108

Emergencies:  911

270-422-4182 (NON EMERGENCY)

911 Record Request Form

If you need to request 911 records, please download the form from the link above and either email a completed copy to

meadecounty911recordsrequest@meadeky.gov , or

drop a completed copy off to the 911 center or Meade County Judge Executive’s Office, or

mail a completed copy to 516 Hillcrest Dr., Suite 8, Brandenburg, KY 40108 (Attention 911 Director).

If you have any questions please call 270-422-4182 or email meadecounty911@meadeky.gov

Interested in employment opportunities at Meade 911 Dispatch? Download and complete the employment application below!

Microsoft Word - Sample Press Release.doc

Emergency Notification System

The Emergency Notification System is a system public safety officials use to call landline and cellular phones, send text messages and emails, to inform the public of immediate threats to health and safety.

Examples include the need to evacuate during a chemical spill or gas leak, take appropriate action during severe weather warnings, or stay inside (shelter in place) because of critical police activity or hazards in your area.

Meade County has a program in place that is operated under the Code Red Alert System. Meade Alert System is the county identified program for the public to create an account to receive an alert
for emergencies.

To sign up for emergency alert messages, go to: https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/en-US/041F24D3DCDE

Code Red is funded by the Meade County Fiscal Court from Meade County E-911 Center budgetary funds in an effort to keep our citizens and visitors safe.