Please join us today as we remember the lives lost and those changed forever by the tornado that hit Brandenburg 50 years ago. The ceremony will be streamed live on and broadcast on WMMG for those who are not able to attend in person.
Communities in Meade and Breckinridge County will pause to remember and honor those lost fifty years ago today on April 3, 1974.
The storms hit with little or no advance warning in the mid afternoon hours. One storm developed in western Kentucky and dropped the 47th of 148 tornadoes of the outbreak near McQuady and continued on the ground some thirty miles to where as a F5 storm it leveled the main business and residential areas of Brandenburg just after 4 pm.
The same storm produced another long track tornado in Louisville that continued through Oldham and Trimble Counties to near Madison, Indiana. Thirty one people were killed in a matter of moments in Brandenburg that afternoon. A remembrance ceremony of the anniversary will be held at 4 pm in Brandenburg at the First Baptist Church at 149 Lawrence Street, a site that was destroyed in the middle of the path of the storm.
The ceremony will be streamed live on and broadcast on WMMG for those who are not able to attend in person. For more coverage and personal survival stories visit our special remembrance section of our website for audio and video related to the 1974 Super Outbreak by clicking here.
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