Written by meadecounty. Posted in Community, Government, Updates

The Meade County Clerk’s Office notes that Kentucky will be implementing a vehicle system upgrade beginning on January 1, 2024, through January 8, 2024, with a day-to-day rollout for counties beginning on January 9, 2024. Please keep in mind that the county clerk’s office will not be open to the public for motor vehicle, boat or disabled parking permit renewals, new issuances or vehicle or boat transfers from December 30th – January 11th. During the system downtime we will be in the office answering phones and the Deed room and Land record services will still be available. Meade County’s scheduled rollout is January 10, 2024.

We will use January 10th and 11th to process all mail and dealer work and to familiarize ourselves with the new system. The office will reopen to the public on Friday January 12, 2024.

Reminder that December Renewals need to be done during the month of December and can be done through December 29th. Visit our office during December or renew online at Online renewals will be available through December 27th so that they can be processed by December 29th.
Please know that January renewals cannot be done until January 2024.
2024 car taxes do not get uploaded until January. These 2024 taxes cannot be paid in advance.

The Meade County Courthouse has a scheduled Holiday closing for December 29th and January 1st; however, the Meade County Clerk office has decided to be open on December 29th and closed on January 1st and 2nd for the Holiday. We hope this will benefit those December renewals and vehicle transfers needing to be done before year end.

We apologize for any inconveniences that this is going to cause but know that the transition from a 45-year-old statewide system to a more modern and efficient system will better serve our public in the future. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we reopen the motor vehicle department with the adjustment to the new and improved system as well as the expected overload of renewals for the January backlog. Long lines may be expected in the beginning of this transition.

Thank you, Susan Masterson, Meade County Clerk


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