Written by meadecounty. Posted in Business, Community, Government, Updates

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet – District 4, Elizabethtown: Yard Sale, Political and Other Promotional Signs are Restricted on Right of Way – Illegally Placed Items are Being Removed

Mowing cycles are under way and illegally placed items along state maintained right of way areas are being removed. Residents, business operators and property owners along US and KY routes are reminded no signage is allowed on right of way other than official highway signs and items approved through a permit process. Particularly, with yard sales and property sales commonly taking place in spring along with the May Primary, related signs must be placed beyond right of way limits. Crews will not mow around illegally placed items. They will be removed. Items placed on right of way areas create significant delays for mowing crews and are potential hazards for mowing operators and passing motorists. They can create additional hazards by blocking sight distance or distracting drivers, particularly at intersections. All sale activities including parking should be off right of way limits.

It is also illegal to attach items such as flyers, posters, balloons or streamers to stop signs, highway markers or any other road sign or utility pole. Illegal placement on utility poles presents additional obstacles and potential dangers for utility crew workers.

Removed items will be taken to each county’s KYTC maintenance facility and held for a short period of time. Unclaimed materials will be trashed or recycled. If you have questions related to legal/illegal sign placement, please get in touch with KYTC District 4 in Elizabethtown at (270-766-5066).

KYTC District 4 serves Breckinridge, Grayson, Green, Hardin, Hart, LaRue, Marion, Meade, Nelson, Taylor and Washington counties. With nearly 3,000 miles of roadway to maintain, we greatly appreciate cooperation within each community regarding illegally placed items along right of way areas.

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